BBB :: bonus bluish bbb…

Reveal day has come and gone but there’s still plenty goodies in the shop along with some BRAND NEW items. Did you score everything you hoped at the March reveal? These kits were full of my favourites goodies and I’d love for you to have an opportunity to play with them as well. It’s those tiny things that get me so excited each month when my box arriving on my doorstep 🙂

Today I share with you my bonus project made with ‚Office Hours’ blues and one card from my printable journal cards set (I mentioned about them in THIS POST just before the reveal).

life goes on

I know, this is sooooooo BLUish! I know! But I found an excuse in this photo… it’s also bluish, so… is it enough to won’t be judge?

life goes 1

If you are interested in download these watercolour freebies just click >>> HERE <<<.

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And one more BLUE layout made with ‚Office Hours’ scrapbook kits. I forgot to publish it last time, but now it suits perfect to my today’s post 🙂

kid you will move mountains

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I’ve already receive the project from one of my friends – Monika – who used the same blue card in her PL spread!

zdjecie 5

I am so excited that you like my printables! Now i know that it was a fun idea and I promise you that I will be preparing such surprises more often – deal?!

5 Komentarzy to “BBB :: bonus bluish bbb…”

  1. beautiful as always !!!! waouhh the one with yr blues eyes ! bisousss 🙂

  2. I really don’t like blues but these pages make me love it. Your first page is absolute love 😉

  3. Your pages are so amazing!!!

  4. Amazing… like your blue eyes!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ xoxo

  5. I would have downoaded your freebie again, but It’s disappear. Can you help me?

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