
Ok, I know… You are looking at these pages and probably you are wondering: ‚where is the chaos here?!!’. If you will try to be more inquisitive, you will see that the real theme of my pages is: ‚There’s no place for chaos in my head.’, so – it’s explains everything, I hope so 🙂

SODAlicious art-journal, Freckled Fawn washi tapes and Amy Tangerine alphabet stickers

You have to go >>>HERE<<< on the SODAlicious blog to see other girls creations.

13 Komentarzy to “chaos”

  1. wow! amazing!!

  2. C’est tout simplement féérique ! J’adore ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  3. już widząc pracę w toku, którą pokazałaś na fb, dostałam zapowietrzenia.
    a teraz… ech… Talent. duże T.

  4. Simply amazing!! Love the composition!

  5. Wow, this page is beautiful. Would like to have this on my wall as a print! 🙂

  6. LOVE it! Just beautiful.Great composition.

  7. love love this page! you’re lucky to have a clear head:)

  8. waouhhhhhhhhh i really loveeeeeee

  9. ciagle tu wracam i się gapię:) cudooooo!

  10. Wow……is that face a hand drawing??? Is it photo transfer? Looks so cool!!! TFS!!!

  11. seriously gorgeous! so inspiring!

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